
I need time to stop. Right now please, for about 12 hours. That way I could get some sleep, filter out the bottle of wine I drank last night, take a shower, practice practice practice, and be ready for this audition in 1.5 hours. Instead I'm sitting here being nervous. I overdid my makeup trying to make myself feel better about the dark areas under my eyes that for some reason can't be washed away. But, I am refusing to dwell on my train wreck-ness right now. Listening to Jakob Dylan (as I have been constantly since last Saturday [that's how you can tell it was such a great show- loving the music that much more after seeing it live]), loving on the Huckleberry (dog), drinking water, all trying to make myself feel calm and like myself. Because that is what I have to offer (and what I have to believe I can contribute) at this audition. SO. So so so I will sing my song, then I will read my heart out, and whatever happens happens. This is the pep talk I've been giving myself for the past week. It wouldn't be so nerve wracking if all of my incredibly talented friends weren't also trying out... but no. I am not dwelling on that. Because I can contribute something to this show, I can, and that is what I need to show today.

Okay. So. I'm good. I'm good I'm good I'm good. Where is Charity? I need to be speaking this someone not typing it on the internet.


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