
I've Decided to Name the Owl Henri & Some Other Things I've been Wanting to Tell You

I name the critters I see running around the backyard. Actually, I would say they name themselves- I see an animal and a name pops into my head. There is Robin the robin, of course, Willow- the squirrel who lives in our willow tree, Woody- a woodpecker who taps on my window from time to time, and now there is Henri- the owl who swooped over my head when Katie O dropped me off at 2:00 AM last Friday. By the way, the willow has lost most of his leaves and so have the rest of the trees, I can see the valley a few miles behind my house now. I like it when a car drives on Salmonberry through the valley because it looks like it's driving on the air. It's been so cold here lately, tomorrow I'm dropping my pea coats off at the dry cleaners. The hand I broke in September is looking strange and I'm afraid it was set wrong and I'll have to have it re-broken and corrected. Thanksgiving is this week and that means I get to see Kyle for a whole day, I'm happy about that. I miss you more today than I have in a while.

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